Defending the Thesis ****************************************************************************************** * Bachelor Thesis - Defending the Thesis ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * Invitation to defense *========================================================================================= The invitation for the Defense will be published in the SIS no later than three working da defense (on the SIS main page under the icon "Final Exams"). The schedule of the academic with the deadlines for submission, also includes details of the dates of the state exams. relatively long period of time, which will be determined by the number of submitted theses list of defenses is compiled with respect to the teachers' time possibilities, the student his / her term. *========================================================================================= * Official reviews *========================================================================================= The opponent and the supervisor draw up the opinions of the submitted thesis, expressly sp whether they recommend or they do not recommend thesis for the defense and propose the deg classification, or point evaluation. The supervisor will also evaluate the student's activ creation of the thesis. Reviews for your bachelor thesis will be available for download in three working days before your defense. You can find reviews this way: "Thesis" ? "My Thesis" ? "Detail" - "Submitted Files". *========================================================================================= * Bachelor's thesis defense *========================================================================================= Approximately 60 minutes are reserved for the defense of the bachelor thesis. The actual d thesis is done by a discussion, during which the applicant informs the committee about the thesis, the problems solved, the methods used and the results obtained. The author thus de the ability to present their results verbally and to defend them before the commission. Th the presentation is 10, maximum 15 minutes. In this part of the defense, the student does opinions that will be given later. Comments are allowed for the defense. It is highly reco PowerPoint presentation. You should send it by e-mail to the secretary of the programme in The following is the presentation of the supervisor's report and the opponent's report, if authors of the reports cannot be present, the report is read out loud. The author then res comments contained in the assessments, comments on the pre-set suggestions for discussion questions raised during the defense. Then it is followed by the commission meeting without the presence of the student and then of the defense result. *========================================================================================= * Conditions for admission to the defense *========================================================================================= If you miss one of the comprehensive examinations three days before the defense, if the mi credits (ie 180 ECTS) is not met, or if another condition set by the CU UK is not met (see the State Examination) You will be able to defend your work only after the remaining study been fulfilled in the following deadline according to the academic year schedule. If you´re not sure whether you meet the requirements for admission to the defense, you can Final Exams ? Validations ? before SFE.