• Information for students

Information for students

Annual schedule

In order to have a better idea of the current academic year schedule including holiday breaks, semester dates, examination period dates, course enrollment period dates etc. the following list is the scheduled version.

Schedule of the Academic Year 2022/2023

Student ID card

Your student card is the first requirement for proper functioning at the Faculty and University. After enrolment, you can pick up your card from any of the CU card service centres. Without such card, you will not be able to log into the Student Information System which means you will not be able to enrol into courses or exams.

Charles University Student Cards

CU Student Cards

Card Service Centres


If you are enrolling in your first year at our Faculty, our Student Administration office will be happy to help you with your accommodation reservation at one of your preferred dormitories. Contact us at study@fhs.cuni.cz and we will send you a reservation form based on which we will communicate on your behalf with the university Dormitories and Refectories during the booking process.

After your first year, the Faculty will no longer provide reservations for you and you should arrange your accommodation on your own. If you are already accommodated in dormitory and wish to stay there another year, do not forget to prolong your reservation contract in the dormitory office.

We suggest that you book accommodation as soon as possible, as student dormitories and apartments are usually in high demand in Prague. Therefore, we suggest making your reservation well in advance – ideally, several months before the start of your studies.


Living in Prague

Scholarships and Funding

According to the rules of the Rectorate of Charles University students studying in a foreign language and selfpayers are not entitled for accommodation and social scholarship.Also, our Faculty does not provide any grants or other funding options that are intended to cover the tuition fees of foreign-language study programmes.

Nevertheless, there are other options for financing your studies - merit-based scholarship or financial funding by national governments and other non-state institutions ( Faculty Scholarships and Funding).

Merit-based scholarship - issued to the best 10% of students according to their results in each academic year and to their studying program. Students receive this scholarship after the end of each academic year automatically if they fall into the best 10% category ( Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement).

Options of funding your studies can be found through national governments and other non-state institutions. The Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MEYS) offers scholarships to foreign students and researchers. You can find out more information about scholarships available on the MEYS website.


The tuition fee is 2000 €/year for students who began their studies in academic year 2021/2022 and earlier.

The tuition fee is 3000 €/year for students who began their studies in academic year 2022/2023 and later.

The due day for the tuition fee is October 31.

Payment information for the tuition fee:

Bank: Komerční banka

Account Number: 51-1042010287/0100

IBAN: CZ9101000000511042010287


If you have any questions regarding tuition fees, please contact .

Further information can be found here: Tuition Fees

Special Needs and Counseling

Contact person for special needs:

Mgr. Eliška Pincová

tel.: 251 080 393


Modification of entrance exam due to special needs:

For applicants

Help to students with special needs during their study:

For students

Free of charge services for all students to help them with the emotional, interpersonal, academic/career-choice and legal challenging situations:

Counseling services

Career services for international students and foreigners in English provided by Centre for Integration of Foreigners (CIC):

Career Counselling

Student Life

What makes studying at FHS even more fulfilling is participation in its student associations and clubs. Students are free to choose from all sorts of options from a movie club to a wide range of sports, music and other creative activities, and can even apply for financial support of their leisure activities. By taking part in these projects along with their studies, students have a great potential in developing their social skills.

Social and Cultural Events

Sport Events

Last change: December 9, 2022 10:55 
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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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Getting to us

Public transport (find a connection):

Current transport connections:

tram No. 17 (stop Trojská)

bus No. 112 (stop Trojská or Povltavská)

bus No. 201 (stop Kuchyňka)

bus No. 187 (stop Pelc - Tyrolka)