In General

Bachelor Thesis - In General

In the bachelor thesis, the student must prove that he/she has fulfilled the basic requirements, which are placed on the self-mastery of the defined problem in the given field (i. e. the ability to unambiguously formulate the initial situation or problem, planned project, intent and objective, characterize and justify the choice of methods and procedures used, implement planned procedures, adequately document and collect the necessary data and knowledge, independently interpret results, formulate clear and reasoned conclusions, present them in accordance with academic standards, and work with reference and cognitive machines).

The bachelor thesis begins with an introduction that defines the problem, formulates the main hypotheses or research questions, approaches the research methods used, summarizes the structure of the whole work and possibly defines the location of the researcher. The thesis also contains a theoretical or research section devoted to a summary of the current state of knowledge within a given topic. Theoretical work is further structured according to the nature of the topic. If the work is empirical, then there is a section devoted to own research (analysis) and its results, which includes a discussion of the methodology used, selected and implemented procedures. The results obtained are critically evaluated and included in a broader theoretical context in the final discussion section.

The thesis must include references to relevant domestic and foreign literature - thoughts must be unequivocally distinguished from those taken over. The student cannot use in the bachelor thesis material from already published research or material obtained outside the time when he worked on the bachelor thesis. He can only refer to such material.

Language of work

Bachelor theses at FHS CU are commonly written in English as part of the Liberal Arts and Humanities program. If you want to write your thesis in a language other than English, you must ask the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies for approval. Grammatical and stylistic correctness is considered an obvious part of the bachelor thesis.

Last change: July 9, 2020 05:48 
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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

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182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

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