Registration and Supervision

Bachelor Thesis - Registration and Supervision

  • The bachelor thesis topics are defined by the relevant modules or departments. The student chooses his / her topic according to his / her focus and interest after consultation with the teachers of their choice.

  • The bachelor thesis may be supervised by teacher (even external one) of the relevant module or department, or exceptionally (with the prior approval of the vice-dean for undergraduate studies) another expert who does not teach at FHS CU.

  • The bachelor thesis is registered into the SIS by the bachelor thesis supervisor. When registering a thesis, it is necessary to fill in its Czech and English name, the actual language of the thesis, the name of the supervisor and its researcher (ie the student's name).

  • If your supervisor is an external teacher without access to the SIS, ask him to send the necessary data to the main coordinator for thesis registration . The topic will then be registered with the help of Secretariat for Bachelor Studies.

  • The topic of the thesis needs to be registered into the SIS at least 180 days before the planned Thesis Defense.

  • You can always check your registration in the SIS under Thesis (Selection of Subject).

Last change: April 5, 2019 13:56 
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182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

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