Formal Form of the Thesis

Bachelor Thesis - Formal Form of the Thesis

  • The bachelor thesis is usually around at least 50 standard (normo) pages. 1 normo page = 1800 characters including spaces. (You can find the number of characters in the word under the "Revision" tab, select "Word Count" and then the information table will appear. Select "Characters including spaces" and check the "Include text boxes, footnotes and endnotes" checkbox. Then divide the number of standard pages by 1800.) Only the actual text of the work is included in the total number of standard pages, not the title page, acknowledgments, declaration, content, as well as charts, tables and figures.

  • The text is printed one-sided on an A4 sheet, Times New Roman font size 12; 1.5 spacing; edges 3.5 cm left (default MS Word, suitable for binding) and 2 cm right, indenting the first line of the paragraph tab 1 cm, align right and left. Pages must be numbered at the bottom of each page. The pages should be numbered from the Introduction. Acknowledgements, if you wish to include them, should be on a separate page at the beginning of the Thesis.

  • The graphical and typographical layout of the Thesis is not set. The copy of the Thesis may come either in hardcover, or softcover binding. Considering the ecological and economical aspects, we recommend the softcover, i.e. batten binding or thermo binding, but not spiral binding. The Paper should have the A4 format and be bound along the longer left edge. On the side of the whole cover the name of the researcher and short version of the name of the Thesis should be present.

The frontal layout should have the following information:



John Doe

[your full name along with your scientific titles]

The Great War in contemporary literature

[Name of your Thesis]

Bachelor Thesis

[Type of thesis]

Prague 2019

[Fill-in the year when the Thesis will be published]

Last change: April 24, 2020 20:56 
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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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