Registration for the State Examination

Bachelor Thesis - Registration for the State Examination

  • The defense of the Bachelor Thesis is a compulsory part of the state final examination (SFE), for which students must be registered in the SIS.

  • You register not for a specific date, but for the period in which you want to complete the SFE in a given semester. The periods are always set in the academic year schedule and are three (January / February, May / June, September).

  • The deadlines for registration into the SIS are always announced at least two months before the deadline for the thesis submission and the application for the SFE. You will be informed about the exact date of your defense after the examining committees have been set up at least 3 working days before the defense.

  • Click on the icon "Final exams". In "Detail" you will see the list of exams. You must sign in to all the parts of the SFE - Bachelor Thesis Defense and Humanities Exam. For each exam, click on "Announced Exam Dates" and register them.

  • After registration, the option to print the application for SFE will appear there (in "Detail"). It´s needed to either send it by post (Pátkova 2137/5, 182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň) or throw to the Faculty mailbox (next to the office 1.01) in envelope with name of your secretary and study program. The application needs to be delivered by the deadline for submission of bachelor thesis. Before submission, make sure all information on the application is correct (especially department, field of study and title of the thesis in English).

  • Students with old study plans (beginning of the studies in academic year 2018/19 and earlier) at the same time submit filled and signed list of literature for the state examination.

Last change: April 23, 2024 14:39 
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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

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