Internal Structure of the Thesis

Bachelor Thesis - Internal Structure of the Thesis


It must contain the same information as the cover, plus the name and titles of the supervisor and the name of the field / program where the thesis is submitted for defense. The brief and concise title of the thesis should be in English and should not contain professional abbreviations.


An obligatory part of the thesis is a signed statement: I declare that I have created the thesis by myself. All sources and literature used have been duly cited. The work was not used to obtain another or the same title. This declaration and consent will be signed by handwritten signature.


At the beginning of the work for a formal statement, acknowledgment, may be given at the discretion of the author. The acknowledgment text should be aligned at the bottom of the page.


Bachelor thesis MUST have clear structure and division of chapters, we recommend something similar as:





2.1. First level subchapter

2.2.1. Second-level subchapter Level 3 subchapter

…… ..





The content of the work must be complete (including all attachments) with the nummering of starting pages of the chapters (and subchapters). In MS Word, Content can be created automatically if we work with chapter headings as a "Heading" format.


An apt summary of the work (15 lines in Czech and English). It is not mandatory, but is recommended.


Up to 10 most important terms, usually on the same page as the abstract.

Custom text

The parameters of the text, its scope, structure, location of images, graphs and tables depends on the requirements of the topic. The actual study involving empirical research should broadly respect and follow the above mentioned scheme (see Content).


It contains bibliography or it should be said, references, cited in the text in alphabetical order by authors' names.


If it is not possible or desirable to place all image, graphic and other supplementary materials directly into the text, they will become part of the Attachments. The Attachments section must begin with a list of enclosed materials. There should be links to the materials in the Attachments as part of the text. If the size of the attachment (after adding it to your own work) makes it difficult to manipulate the text, it will be part of a special volume. The images in the attachments should be numbered in the upper right corner (Fig. 1; Table 1) and the mirror (area of ​​the printed area) should correspond to the actual text area of ​​the work (the images should not exceed the area defined by the tabs).

Last change: April 9, 2019 14:27 
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182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

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